Hernia Treatment
Hernia Treatment in Reading, Berkshire
Hernias are more common than you think, with over 200,000 cases every year. These are usually self-diagnosable, but you should still see a medical professional if you are concerned about whether or not you have this condition. This is because these cannot be left untreated, otherwise this can lead to a variety of serious issues.
When should you see a doctor? What can you expect after your hernia surgery? By understanding these things, you can feel a bit more at ease if you are dealing a hernia. The goal here is to give you the information that you need through this process.
When You Should See a Doctor
If you have any concerns, you should absolutely contact a doctor as soon as possible. You should also see a doctor if any of the following apply to you:
- If you develop any swelling in your abdominal wall, your groin, or at a site where you previously had surgery and you think that it may be a hernia.
- If you currently have a hernia but you cannot push it back in (it becomes irreducible). This is a sign of incarceration of the hernia, which leads to a risk of strangulation in the organ.
- If you notice that the hernia has become tender, hot, tense, or irreducible. This may mean that you are suffering from strangulation, which will require immediate medical attention.
- If you have a hernia and you notice that your abdomen has become bloated, your bowels aren’t working properly, and you start vomiting. These are signs that the hernia may be causing internal obstruction, which can be very serious.
Hernias can be very serious if left untreated, so it’s essential that you get help as soon as possible to ensure that you get the treatment that you need.
To get in touch with us directly, please use the following contact details:
Email: Ms Zoe Horwood: zoe@berkshireherniacentre.co.uk
Phone: 0780 237 8334
Contact Form
What Happens Before and After Hernia Surgery?
Before Hernia Surgery
The first thing is to help you understand how to properly prepare for your surgery. It’s important that you do not have anything to eat or drink after midnight prior to your surgery. When you do have the surgery, you can rest assured knowing that the surgery itself is actually very simple.
The hernia surgery is performed by laparoscopy, which is a minimally evasive procedure. With this procedure, the patient will receive anesthesia and will have small incisions around the abdomen.
You might not even be able to see the scar tissue left behind after the surgery. If there is any scar tissue, it would be a between 8 and 12 cm long scar line along the groin.
After Hernia Surgery
After the surgery, patients won’t typically stay longer than 24 hours. The recovery time can typically take a few weeks before they are cleared for their normal activities. It’s important that the patient follows the instructions provided by the doctor and doesn’t go back to normal activities until after they have been cleared.
You can expect to still feel pain in the area for at least a few days after the surgery. You can also expect to have symptoms of nausea, but you should feel better relatively quickly. Other things that you might notice include bruising and some feeling of pulling where the hernia was fixed. These are normal symptoms to experience.
It’s extremely important that you do get plenty of rest. Whenever you feel tired, take a nap. But it’s also just as important to start up some small and low impact activities, such as walking. You should walk at least for a small distance every day, but avoid more strenuous activities like running, biking, or jogging.
You can eat normally after your surgery, but you should listen to your body and work your way up from bland foods to your normal diet. Listen to your doctor’s instructions throughout your recovery process to make sure that you are doing everything right. If you have any concerns about your recovery, you should immediately contact your doctor.
Getting Your Hernia Treatment at the Berkshire Hernia Centre
The Berkshire Hernia Centre is a leading place for hernia surgery in Reading, Berkshire. This center is run by the highly experienced Mr. Simon Middleton and Mr. Daniel McGrath, who specialize as consultant surgeons.
Mr Middleton and Mr McGrath operate out of the Spire Dunedin Hospital in Reading, Berkshire and the The Berkshire Independent Hospital, also in Reading.
Spire Dunedin Hospital
Address: 16 Bath Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 6NS
Tel: 0118 955 3410
Fax: 0118 958 5531
Website: http://www.spirehealthcare.com/dunedin
The Berkshire Independent Hospital
Address: Swallowscroft, Wensley Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 6UZ
Tel: 0118 902 8000
Fax: 0118 902 8050
Website: http://www.berkshireindependenthospital.co.uk
Email: berkshire.enquiries@ramsayhealth.co.uk
Contact Us Today
The Berkshire Hernia Centre has the leading team of experts who have the knowledge and experience that can make you feel at ease about your hernia surgery. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.