E: zoe@berkshireherniacentre.co.uk

T: 0780 237 8334

Things to Know About Sports Hernias

A sports hernia is a painful experience, primarily impacting the groin area. As the name suggests, this is often caused by sporting activities.

It will often be caused by events that will require you to change directions quickly or that will twist your torso. Let’s take a closer look at this injury.

How to Tell if you Have a Sports Hernia

It can often be difficult to properly diagnose a sports hernia. The clearest symptom is intense pain in the groin. This will get worse with physical activity. Often, to be diagnosed, you will need to scan the area. This can be done using an MRI.

Coping With the Pain of a Sports Hernia

A sports hernia can be a very painful experience, associated with a strain around the groin. There are a few ways that you can cope with the pain. First, you should try to limit your physical activity for at least six weeks. You can also try lowering inflammation by using an ice pack. Sometimes, a doctor might prescribe a steroid or local anesthetic injection.

Can a Sports Hernia Heal By Itself?

Ideally, you should be able to treat a sports hernia without surgery. It’s recommended that you rest it for at least six weeks. This should help to numb the pain. Over this time, a groin strain will often repair itself. However, if you attempt to exercise after the six weeks are over, and the pain returns, it might mean that you need to spend another six weeks avoiding activity.

If this doesn’t work, you might need to approach a qualified hernia treatment facility for surgery. While this is useful, it is often used as a last resort. The good news is that this isn’t a major procedure. Often, it will be completed under general anesthesia. You will be able to go home the same day as you had the operation.

Who is Most at Risk of a Sports Hernia?

This type of hernia will often be linked to the types of movements you are making. For example, you might find yourself doing a lot of twisting. Running and jumping will also increase your risk of getting a hernia. Typically, the more physically demanding the sport is, the more strain it will place on your groin. This, in turn, increases your odds of developing a hernia. Soccer, running, wrestling, football, and tennis athletes are among the most likely to develop this injury. However, anyone who plays sports will be susceptible.

Reducing Your Chances of Getting a Sports Hernia

There are a few simple ways that you can try to reduce your chances of developing a sports hernia. First, you’ll need to make sure that you are applying the right techniques. This will lower the amount of strain you are putting on your groin. It’s also important to make sure that you are stretching before the game. It’s also important to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water.

Make an Appointment

If you have developed a sports hernia, there is help available. Our team has a lot of experience working with patients. We can help diagnose you. Then, we’ll be able to decide what type of treatment will be best for you. So, make a booking today and get help recovering from your sport hernia.

Posted in: News.

The Berkshire Hernia Centre offers expert, professional and friendly advice to enable you to understand your hernia and what you should do about it.